My thoughts have gone to the citizens of this country that have chosen the military as part of their lives. I have just watched the ceremony in Arlington Cemetery and listened to the marches and watched the flags go by and it gave me thought about how different we as Americans feel about this activity than when I was little.
I was raised between the Navy Post Graduate School, the Defense Language Institute and Fort Ord. Most of my friends were from families who had dedicated their lives to service of our country. There was a feeling of commodore, support and pride in doing this which I don’t feel in this country at large.
We do not realize how much support of a military force and the right use of these young people is in our own best interest. There have been engaged horrible wars that have been at the expense of the brightest and best of our young people. The Oval office has taken these forces and used them very poorly, VERY POORLY. But this does not mean we do not need these young men and women to be there for us.
I am proud of the dedication, and courage that the forces of our country show every day. I am NOT proud of how those forces have been used to further some presidential agenda.
My prayer is that each one of us that knows one of these brave people will give them a big hug, love them for their dedication and courage, and help them in any way we can to readjust to being home when President Obama brings the back.
Today is a day to remember those who will never come back. Pray for their families, friends and us all for their loss.
Happy Veterans Day!