Monday, December 29, 2008

Royalty Stops for a Treat on the Way

Monarch Butterflies have been a part of my life since I was a little child. I was raised in Pacific Grove, California where the Monarchs rest on their long journey from north to south. They fill the tall pine trees along the State Park at Asilamar, hanging from the branches like garlands of orange and black flowers only they flutter even if there is no wind. They gather their strength for the rest of the flight.

Since I was raised in this wonderous place I was a butterfly, nurse to the butterflies, in a train full of butterflies or anything else our teachers could cook up so we could be in the Pacific Grove annual "Butterfly Parade".

Their migration from the flowers of the north to Mexico each year is remarkable. This one stopped by my Cosmos for a treat on its way down the coast of California.

As I painted it I realized I had never known that Monarchs have white spots all over their little bodies. Wow! as many times as I made myself into a Monarch Butterfly I never knew that.

I guess when you paint something you see things that you normally don't notice.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Gifts at Christmas Time

There is not much you can give to a parent on any occasion that is not redundant or not necessary. They have lived their lives, accumulated their needs, established their homes and met their own desires.

But… there is one thing they can not do for themselves. One thing that only a child, little or grown, can do for a parent.

Respect them for the attempt to raise you

Weather you have a “good” parent or one that has failed you in some way or even in all ways each one has attempted to do their best.

War, injury, illness, pain--physical and emotional, too much intelligence or not enough, too much work or not enough work, economic excess or money problems, other duties imposed by outer circumstances, duties imposed by negative behavior of other family members, difficulties with other adult members of the family, religious or philosophical differences, dislocations, deaths that may cause mourning depression that lasts too long for others comfort, destructive habits, inabilities and incompetence, incompatibilities, disappointments, discouragements, are just a few of the mine fields they had to walk through as they were trying to do their best for you.

Some did not make it through, trauma caused PTSD in some making it imposable to be OK for you, the death of their own parents may become too much for them to bear, the loss of a job, the loss of their own dignity through intolerance of others, the pain of their own frail lives may have rendered them less than perfect.

But they tried to the best of their ability.

When it is your turn to be the parent I only hope your children realize this.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ode to an Orange III

I come to this time of year when as I walk around any store I hear sniff, cough, sneeze on the other side of the isle, the little kid who is standing in line next to me can barely be understood because of his stuffy nose, and the cashier sneezes into her hand just before she hands me my change. I can not deny it reminds me of my love of oranges and the odes I have written to this golden orb.

Here is the latest installment. (the other two are in Poetry)

Ode to an Orange III

Oh little orb of happiness
You sweetness we do cherish
We roll you like a piece of dough
And squish you until at last
We prick your wrinkly rind
With peppermint so strait and fine
And suck sublime fruity minty sweet juice
Until you look like your skin is loose.

Our tummies full we turn a new
To find a few clove blossoms
all dry and brown
That fill you skin with a heavenly smell
As we push them into your little shell.
We tie on a bow and hang you low

As you dry your fragrance fills our closets.
We can ignore the smell of the world out side
Because your beauty fills our world
With joy and pride.

How can we thank you for such bliss?
We will plant you with a kiss
Of heaven, earth, and stars above
To show you how much we love
The joy you bring at Christmas time

Merry Christmas

Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Ali!

Yesterday November 13th was my little dog Ali’s 4th birthday.
He has been with me for a little over 3 years and is my constant reminder that I am loved.

Although he is not above being in the way

He wants to be with me all the time and really tells me if I am neglecting him.

Then He perks his little ears and looks at me and all is well.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veterans Day!

My thoughts have gone to the citizens of this country that have chosen the military as part of their lives. I have just watched the ceremony in Arlington Cemetery and listened to the marches and watched the flags go by and it gave me thought about how different we as Americans feel about this activity than when I was little.

I was raised between the Navy Post Graduate School, the Defense Language Institute and Fort Ord. Most of my friends were from families who had dedicated their lives to service of our country. There was a feeling of commodore, support and pride in doing this which I don’t feel in this country at large.

We do not realize how much support of a military force and the right use of these young people is in our own best interest. There have been engaged horrible wars that have been at the expense of the brightest and best of our young people. The Oval office has taken these forces and used them very poorly, VERY POORLY. But this does not mean we do not need these young men and women to be there for us.

I am proud of the dedication, and courage that the forces of our country show every day. I am NOT proud of how those forces have been used to further some presidential agenda.

My prayer is that each one of us that knows one of these brave people will give them a big hug, love them for their dedication and courage, and help them in any way we can to readjust to being home when President Obama brings the back.

Today is a day to remember those who will never come back. Pray for their families, friends and us all for their loss.

Happy Veterans Day!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I have been very partisan in this last year as we came toward choosing a new leader of our country. Now that the country has made its choice, I choose to be an American rather than being named one party or another.

We have challenges that are at best hard—at worse could divide us further. But we must now accept the decisions and turn our eyes to the things that matter to us most. It is time to rally to our own best interests and drop the bickering that has caused us this harm.

There is no better place to live, no better way to live it. But, in order to benefit from this way of life we must embrace it and go on to fill our selves with hope for our own and our grandchildren’s future.

If we stay bitter we will kill our own future. The world is dying and we need to heal it. Species and ecosystems that we depend on for our own lives are threatened. Drought will come. Too much rain will come, earth quakes will come, economic instability will come, food shortages will come, our loses will show up in so many ways it may be hard to bear. But we will still be here!

What will we do about it? Will we fight with each other? Blame each other? Find fault with each other? Will we pick at each other until it is beyond our reach to change what is wrong?

Or, will we find a way to heal ourselves so we can look those who have been our opponents in the eye and say—“Let us find a way to fix this!” I will say to my very soul—

What can I do to fix this?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fall Duties of Titmice

By Gamildclair Huggins

Adolf, Lon & Canthy

Dorie, Sharice, Sly (hiding on the back pumpkin) and Ned


Summer is over! The air is getting cooler. The wind is blowing and the leaves are turning bright colors. Sisters Dorie and Sharice gathered nesting for their winter borrow. They gathered Lavender buds because they smell so good. They stuffed the buds into their pillows so all winter long they can remember summer.

“I think I will put in some of these nice red Rose petals too.” Says Dorie.

“That will smell really good too.” says Sharice as she fills her cheeks with more Lavender buds and scurries off to fill her pillow. There are not too many blossoms left but the seed buds are really sweet and fragrant.

“I guess we should make pillows for Sly and Ned too. So we will need to come back for more,” decides Sharice.

“Oh, do you think there is enough time left to do that?” Dorie replied.

“Sure, but we had better hurry before the rain comes and spoils them” Sharice assured her.

Dorie and Sharice fill their cheeks with the sweet Lavender seeds buds and scurry home to stuff and sew up the pillows.

A Tasty Snack

Sly and Ned were twin boys. They loved to do things together and often found really good stuff. This morning Sly was out by himself foraging for something to eat. He was always hungry for something different so often went out by himself to new places, but most of the time he didn’t want to be alone. Ned didn’t like it either.

Sly found an apple tree and filled up on the sweet fruit. These would not keep over the winter well until they were dried, so he just ate it.

Later he would tell Ned, Dorie and Sharice where to find them, so they could have a snack too. Maybe later in the fall some would have dried enough so the apples would store longer.

“They would make a tasty treat then too,” he thought to himself. “I won’t forget to come back and get the dried ones.” He would need to check back soon before the rain came and they rotted.

He stuffed his cheeks with more apple and scampered off to tell the others what he had found. When he got there everyone was out of the borrow. “I wonder where they went” then he heard giggling in the distance and he knew that Dorie and Sharice were under the oak tree.

“They are probably gathering acorns he said to him self. I had better get over there.”

Acorns and Squirrels

Dorie, Sharice, and Ned had gathered acorns from the oak leaves under the big oak tree. Sly joined them told them about the apples. Ned and he ran around a bit until the girls called them back to finish the job. They made a big pile, now they needed to put them all away Ned thought that putting them in the ground would be best. After all the turnips worked that way, so they dig little holes all over the place and put one acorn in at a time.

“It is getting too dark now, so we had better start in the morning,” Sharice noticed.

Dorie didn’t want to stop looking for the acorns but she couldn’t tell the acorns from the leaves, so she said “It is too dark. Let’s go in.”

The next morning Ned and Sly woke up early and went out to get the acorns. They were gone! “Those lazy squirrels took our stash! We will need to get the girls and gather some more.” Sly said disappointed and angry at the squirrels.

So Ned and Sly got Dorie and Sharice up. “Wake up sleepy heads the squirrels took all the acorns!”

“Oh! Darn!” they both said together. They looked at each other and giggled “Tee hee hee,” covering their mouths with their tiny paws. They were always doing that.

They all trundled out to gather the acorns. They worked for half the day and stashed the acorns in little holes in the field and took many home to their stash the other half of the day, so the squirrels would not get them again.

“I hope we can find them in those holes when we are hungry.” says Ned.

“Oh don’t worry they will be right here when we want them.” said Sly as he scampered to the next place and put his tiny orange nose down in the hole and droped in the acorn.

“We can put them here and over there, down under the apple tree and out in the yard near the corn field” Ned told Sly.

“Maybe we could save a few more this time inside so we don’t have to look for them,” replied Sly.

“No, there isn’t any more room in the storage. We will just need to look for them when we want to eat acorns,” Ned reassured Sly.

“Oh I guess” Sly replied with a big sigh. “But can we at least put a twig over them so we can find them?”

Ned laughed. “This big tree drops millions of twigs a day that won’t help.Oh don’t worry they will be right here when we want them.”

Sly scampered to the next place and put his tiny orange nose down in the hole and drops in another acorn. “I guess you are right, but you need to help me find them when we want them!” retorted Sly with his paws on his hips.

“You know I will.” Said Ned and patted his brother on the head.

“I, just hope we can find them when we are hungry.” Ned said under his breath.

The Soft Spot

There has been a great crop of pumpkins this year. They had been testing the pumpkins since they turned orange. But they were too hard to get into. So they waited until a spot on the pumpkin got soft and each gnawed into the soft flesh of the pumpkin. Each Titmouse filled their tummies with the sweet pumpkin pulp, then got as many seeds as they could hold in their cheeks then looked for places to hide the pumpkin seeds. Again they made little holes in the grass and plunked in a pumpkin seed or two in each.

Last year they forgot where a few were so in the spring there were pumpkin plants and oak trees all over the place. “Where did they come from?” they all exclaimed but were delighted when the pumpkin plants grew lots of new pumpkins to eat.

Ned and Sly got so carried away putting things in holes that they put all their pumpkin seeds in holes next to the acorns. Even on top of the burrow! We will see what happens next year.

The Other Side of the Forest

Way on the other side of the great forest cousins Adolph and Lon are gathering in winter vegetables. They like carrots and turnips so they are bringing them into their nest just in case there is a time they might want a tasty treat.

Adolph, Canthy and Lon also like acorns. Boy! There are a lot under the oak tree this year. The Blue Jays and squirrels have been dropping them on the ground. Blue Jays and Squirrels like to eat them in the trees so they leave the ones on the ground for the Titmice and Possums.

As Lon pulls a big piece of turnip down the burrow Adolph notices that it will not fit especially with Lon’s mouth full of acorns. “You can’t get that in there!” he protests.

Just as Adolph said that Lon yelped “I’- s-uck! H--lk!” he screeches with his mouth full.

Adolph grabed onto Lon’s curly tail and tried to pull him back out of the hole but he is really stuck. Adolph ran back and up the nearest tree to size up the situation as Lon wimpers, stuck tight in the hole, front paws on the big turnip and mouth crammed with acorns.

“Peese h—lk me” he wines, his mouth still chock full of nuts.

From the tree Adolph can see that the hole is tightly surrounding Lon’s tummy. “I think I can dig you out, Lon, if you just hold still” he yells from the tree. Lon is so busy trying to get out he can hardly hear what Adolph is saying and struggles all the more to get him self out but only digs himself in further.

Adolph scampers down the tree and comes over to Lon and touches him on his back and says quite sternly “Sit still!” Lon quiets down and Adolph begins to dig. “Boy, you really got yourself stuck in there. I think all the wiggling has got you stuck worse.”

Lon begins to cry, but that makes it even worse. “Stop crying, you are getting the dirt all wet and muddy!” Adolph says.

Lon takes a deep breath as well as he can with all those acorns in his mouth. “Ota.” he says quietly.
Adolph began to dig all around Lon, to the left-- then on top-- then on the right --then under Lon. “-Top! Y--r -ickling me!” Lon squeaks laughing.

“Sorry, I am almost finished” Adolph exclaims. “There now you can wiggle your way back out. Just a little at a time now, careful!”

Lon’s shoulders appear, then his little black ears, then his little orange eyes blink away the dirt and he is free. He spits out the acorns. “Thanks” he says with a sigh. “I was really stuck. Oh look-- the opening to our burrow is bigger now the turnip will fit!”

“Oh no you don’t!” Adolph exclaims. “We will leave the turnip in the ground then get some when we want it next time. They won’t spoil. Let’s get all the acorns we can. I know where there is corn too.”

“Oh goodie! Let’s go! I love corn.” Lon says and bounds off.

Wait a minute! You don’t know where it is. You’ll get lost! Lon! Lon! Wait!” but Lon was long gone.

“Darn. I guess I will have to go get him.” Adolph says to Canthy and they both went to find Lon and to show him where the corn is. They knew he would get lost.

When they found Lon he was on the pumpkins very close to the corn so he was not lost like they thought.

As they gathered the corn kernels they were thinking of the nice meals they would have in the winter—Hasty pudding, Corn soup, Corn with Beans, Corn Bread, Tamale Pie! Boy, they could hardly wait.

“I like roasted pumpkin seeds too” says Adolph. We should find a soft pumpkin and save the seeds in our borrow so we can roast them at Christmas”.

“Ya, and I know where there is a big Chestnut tree. We can save some of chestnuts for Christmas too!” says Canthy.

“Oh! I know where that is!” exclaims Lon and runs off as fast as he can.

“There he goes again.” Adolph says with a big sigh.

“Ya, I bet he will bring back the biggest one he can find and we will have to help him try to get it in our borrow,” chuckles Canthy.

What Luck

After the work of getting the pumpkin seeds Adolph was tired. He found a great pile of leaves with the sun beating down on it. What a great place to take a rest. Soon he was fast asleep. He started to dream. Little red balls swimming in a lake. Long green vines with green leaves, he played ball with the little red balls kicking them to Lon and Canthy, rolling them on the ground. Adolph woke up with a start. “What was that all about? Balls, Red, ground, vines? I don’t get it” he thought to himself.

As he opened his eyes after his dream he sniffed the air. “Oh!” he exclaimed. “I know what that dream was about.” He scurried off to get Canthy and Lon.

“Hey you guys we forgot the tomatoes!” he yelled as he arrived.

“OH ya! We had better go get them. They must be dry by now. I hope the squirrels and Blue Jays haven’t gotten them. That little white dog loves to eat them too. I hope he doesn’t know where they are,” said Canthy.

They scampered off to the tomato patch. The tomatoes were the tiny grape type that were just their size. They could put several in their cheeks at a time and bring them back to their burrow. “They will make a tasty soup with the carrots, peas and turnips,” they all thought. Back and forth they went from the patch to the storage making a trail between their doorway and the tomato patch. When they realized that somebody could follow the trail to their borrow they used their tails to sweep the dirt so it did not make a line right to their front door. “That would not be safe.” Adolph said.

They hurried around and got as many as they could fit into the storage place just for tomatoes. It felt good to get that finished.

On the home front

Later Canthy wanted to organize the burrow. She was the best organizer in the family. So, deep in the borrow Canthy was fixing places for everything. She liked a neat borrow. She made up all the beds, cleaned up the living room and fixed a large place to store the food that the boys continue to bring back on their hunts.

Canthy likes sweet smells just like her cousins Dorie and Sharice. She has also gathered Lavender and Rose petals for her pillow.

When Canthy is finished with the things she wants to do, the smell of the Lavender is so sweet that it lures her to curls up and snuggles with her pillow. “Soon the boys will be back and they all will have plenty of work to do finishing up the filling of the food storage for winter” she thinks to herself but for now she can dream of spring.

Canthy wakes from her nap. The boys are not back yet so she scampers outside. “I am hungry for a snack.” Searching she finds a lush strawberry to eat, the last of the season, what a great lunch. It is really big but she was so hungry from all that work that she eats it all up

Maybe there is another few strawberries I can put in the sun to dry and save for later.” She scurries around the strawberry patch looking under each leaf and finds 6 small ones and 2 big ones. The small ones will dry quickly and be easy to save so she takes them to a sunny safe place to dry where the Blue Jays can’t find them. “Lon and Adolph will really like strawberries too,” she says to herself. So she brings the big ones back for the boys snack.

A Blue Encounter

“Oh, yes the Blue Jays. Those pests! Just the other day one started to screech as they do. Within seconds 6 humming birds came to the rescue of what ever he was screeching about.” Adolph said to Canthy. “We all know that they will eat anything and don’t like it a bit. I don’t know if they figured out what he was screeching about or not but it was not long before two other Blue Jays arrived. Then they all scattered,”

Canthy thought she had better keep looking up. Those Blue Jays might get all their storage! Thieves that they are!

Blue Jays and squirrels were the first to find the sunflower seeds. Adolph, Canthy and Lon knew where a big patch of orange and brown sunflowers were. They had seen them in the spring and knew just where they were. Every day they had stopped by to see if the seeds had dried. Today Canthy came by and saw that some of the seeds were missing.

“Those darn Blue Jays!” she exclaimed. “Adolph, Lon the Blue Jays have been in the sunflower patch!” she yelled. “Come quick and get some before they are all gone.”

As they picked the sunflower seeds two large bright blue Blue Jays came by. “Screech, Screech, what are you doing in our sunflower patch?” the biggest one said menacingly. The Titmice ran for cover. They ran so fast that the Blue Jays couldn’t tell where they went.

“Well, I showed them!” screeched the big Blue Jay.

“You sure did” said the other. “Your bad! Your bad!” he chanted.

The biggest Blue Jay puffed up, strutted up to a sunflower and plucked a seed out of it. “These are ours! Those little mice are no match for us.” And he strutted off with the smaller one right behind strutting just like he had chased the Titmice away.

But the Titmice were cleaver. The cleaver Titmice knew that the Blue Jays had been bulling all the animals of the forest all day and had warn themselves out so the Titmice came at dusk when the Blue Jays sleeping, and gathered up the sunflower seeds. “Won’t they be surprised in the morning,” Lon whispered as they filled their cheeks.

Finishing up

The Titmice have worked very hard getting all the food into the storage room in the borrows. Each one had made a bedding space with the pillows filled with Lavender. They have worked together to gather in all the dried fruit, seeds and dried vegetables into the storage room. They have cleaned up all the stems and dirt that they tracked into the borrow doorway tunnels.

Ned, Sly, Dorie and Sharice felt very good about the job they had done. Their burrow is ready for the winter. That night they curled up in their warm beds and slept dreaming of all the nummy food that they had gathered.

The next morning they woke ready for the day but what to do? All the work was finished. It was still really nice outside. The rain had not come yet, the sun was shining and the ground was covered with yellow, red and brown leaves.

“Everything is neat and clean now, and the storage is full,” Sharice said, “We should do something fun today.”

“Ya!” exclaimed the twins.

“But what?” asked Dorie.

Sharice thought for a long time. “First we should have breakfast. Sly would you get the pieces of apple you found and I will get the pumpkin seeds that I gathered yesterday. They all sat down and munched on some fresh pumpkin seeds and sweet apple.

As they sat munching away Ned popped up with “Let’s go see the cousins!”

“That’s a great idea” said Sly enthusiastically throwing pumpkin seeds in the air

The girls together shouted “Yah I want to go!” then looked at each other giggling because they had said the same thing.

They quickly cleaned up the mess Sly had made getting so excited.

Off they went out the cleaned doorway tunnels, out onto the red, yellow and brown leaves, across the pumpkin patch, under the apple tree, through the corn field to the tree lined entry to other side of the forest.

“Stop a minute,” Dorie said, “I’m getting tired.”

“Come on let’s just get there! I bet I can beat you Ned,” yelled Sly and he dashed off.

“Oh No you don’t!” Yelled Ned and started off after him.

“I’ll walk with you, Dorie.” Sharice said softly. Just then they saw Adolph, Canthy and Lon in the distance coming their way. They met at the top of the hill.

“We were coming to see you!” ---“We were coming to see you too!” They all said at once.

The girls all giggled and danced together. The boys ran around in circles chasing each other.

“Which way should we go?” they asked each other. “Well our house is bigger,” said Dorie and Sharice.

That’s true said Adolph lets go to your house. They all trundled off out of the tree lined entry to other side of the forest--across through the corn field --under the apple tree-- across the pumpkin patch and over the red yellow and brown leaves to the front door of the twins and the girls borrow.

Once they were inside the girls went into the kitchen to make Hasty Pudding their favorite dessert while the boys played hide and seek in the leaves. It was a wonderful end to the duties of the Fall. All the Titmice were very proud and knew the winter would be a fine one now that they had finished their work.

This is the Titmouse’s favorite dessert when they go and visit each other.

Hasty Pudding
(Cornmeal mush)

1 cup corn meal in 1 cup cold water
2 cups boiling water in sauce pan
2 Tbls sugar
¼ tsp salt
Bring water to boil, mix cornmeal, sugar and salt in cold water. Mix the cornmeal mixture into the boiling water carefully, stirring constantly, lower heat and cover, let simmer for 5 minutes.

“I like to serve it without stirring it so there are little floating islands of the pudding in a sea of milk,” says Sharice.

“I like it smooth and creamy all mixed up.” says Adolph.

“I like it with dehydrated berries and cream on mine,” says Sly.

“I like it in a big lump in my bowl sprinkled with sugar so it melts like a crust then it floats in the milk. I take little bites of it with a bit of milk until I get to the soft middle, then I gobble it all up,” says Ned.

“Oh! My favorite is putting peach jam that Sharice makes in the summer in my Hasty Pudding,” pipes up Canthy. “Dorie what is your favorite?”

“Well, I will have to think about that. I just like it all those ways,” says Dorie

Lon just says “Yum! Yum! Yum!” as he gobbled his up.

Until next time

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hints for using less heating in the winter

1. Bedrooms, more oxygen is contained in cooler air. Sleeping with a cooler bedroom helps deeper resting sleep. Close off the heater vents to these rooms during the day and keep them cool at night for better health. Have a mattress pad under your sheets, and use high loft covers to conserve warmth. Don’t put your bed near a window where cool air drafts could chill you and in very cold arias ware a knitted hat at night. (Sounds silly but putting your head under the covers makes the air you are breathing thick and not good for you.)

2. Stairways. A drape using a tension rod to hold it up over the bottom of a stairway helps keep the heat in the parts of the house that are used during the day.

3. Clothing. 35% of the heat of your body is lost through the top of your head. If you are really cold put on some kind of head covering. Another good % goes out your legs and ankles, put on high top socks or legwarmers—even with thin shoes you will be warmer but thicker soles and waterproof shoes are the best.

4. Get used to the cooler weather so when you need the heat you will not turn it up so high. Your body needs time to adjust, so go outside when it is cool and breathe deeply letting your body know that the cooler feeling is ok. You will feel better and not need to have the air so warm.

5. Hot drinks temporarily warm you when you are cold. Some like coffee make you sweat so be careful if you are outside, dampness will chill you.

6. Not getting too cold is the key. Do not let yourself get chilled. If you feel you are getting cold go in, bundle up, put on a warm hat. Remember fluffy, thick clothing holds more heat. With warm clothing and your body adjusted to the temperatures you will avoid getting chilled. It will take a lot more heat to get you warm.

7. If you do get chilled a warm bath will most quickly get you warm again but don’t get your hair wet and get into dry clothing when you get out.

8. Use the heat of the sun to warm the house during the day. Open the drapes and let the sun warm your furniture and the air in your room. Just as the sun moves off close the drapes. You will be surprised how much heat you can collect.

These seem like thing that are silly, but I will guarantee that you will feel and be warmer with much less heat.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Taking advantage of opportunities

Often we get so preoccupied that we miss opportunities. But there are the other times when our skepticism causes us to miss the timing of an opportunity. This is a classic problem.

This past few weeks the economy has tanked, stock market crashed, the credit market stalled, 401ks dropped by 35% and most people can not get a car or home loan. This was not a surprise but most ignored or denied the down turn was coming. Many others took advantage and got out of investments or real estate and made a lot of money. Which were you? Yep me too!

This is not just a unique situation it starts when we are very young about 2 years old when we say “NO” to everything.

As a child one of the only things you have control over is your participation. You can do or not do—eat or not eat, go to bed or keep bugging your parents, get into things or not, well, you know what I am talking about.

As you become more aware of subtle ways to say “NO” you stay home rather than going with your family, opt out of activates and still refuse to eat stuff you don’t know. If you do not reevaluate this resistance you become an outsider, isolated by your own skepticism and miss learning opportunities and much more.

There is an adjustment that needs to be made.

Just to give a bit of a background. I am late to jump on almost every opportunity that comes along. Examples: almonds, corn and apples ripening, I usually miss them thinking that I should give them more time or just don’t want them when they come ripe. Then there is the black bananas that are always on my counter waiting to be made into bread--missed lots of those opportunities!

And sometimes folks ask me to do things and my first reaction is “no thanks”—reciently I was asked to join others to watch the debates, the night of it I decided that I didn’t want to go then the next day I thought I would have liked to talk to someone about it. Darn missed that opportunity! Or...I don’t feel like doing the dishes or getting dressed that day and someone important turns up at my door—bad impression. Darn missed that one.

Oh, it is in all sorts of little things that we say “no” first then realize we have been foolish and missed an opportunity. Anyway, it is worth thinking about your own attitude about things. Food, for example, so many of us have found delight in new tastes that to refuse to try something is really missing an opportunity. Going places, for example, how many wonderful things could we have done if we hadn’t wanted to be different and not go. This economic situation—if we had listened to those who were sounding the warning we may have avoided this crash. And the list goes on.

Think about opportunity—What is it? How can I take advantage of it? What do I really risk? What could it hurt to listen, think and make informed judgment? Wow! What a thought. At 2 we jumped to “NO”. Is it possible we have grown out of this resistance? Should we? I think yes. Opportunities are knocking jump on them!

Taking advantage of opportunities

Often we get so preoccupied that we miss opportunities. But there are the other times when our skepticism causes us to miss the timing of an opportunity. This is a classic problem.

This past few weeks the economy has tanked, stock market crashed, the credit market stalled, 401ks dropped by 35% and most people can not get a car or home loan. This was not a surprise but most ignored or denied the down turn was coming. Many others took advantage and got out of investments or real estate and made a lot of money. Which were you? Yep me too!

This is not just a unique situation it starts when we are very young about 2 years old when we say “NO” to everything.

As a child one of the only things you have control over is your participation. You can do or not do—eat or not eat, go to bed or keep bugging your parents, get into things or not, well, you know what I am talking about.

As you become more aware of subtle ways to say “NO” you stay home rather than going with your family, opt out of activates and still refuse to eat stuff you don’t know. If you do not reevaluate this resistance you become an outsider, isolated by your own skepticism and miss learning opportunities and much more.

There is an adjustment that needs to be made.

Just to give a bit of a background. I am late to jump on almost every opportunity that comes along. Examples: almonds, corn and apples ripening, I usually miss them thinking that I should give them more time or just don’t want them when they come ripe. Some times folks ask me to do things and my first reaction is “no thanks”—I was asked to join others to watch the debates, the night of it I decided that I didn’t want to go, then the next day I thought I would have liked to talk to someone about it. Darn missed that opportunity! Or don’t feel like doing the dishes or getting dressed that day and someone important turns up at my door—bad impression. Darn missed that one.

Oh, it is in all sorts of little things that we say “no” first then realize we have been foolish and missed an opportunity. Anyway, it is worth thinking about your own attitude about things. Food, for example, so many of us have found delight in new tastes that to refuse to try something is really missing an opportunity. Going places, for example, how many wonderful things could we have done if we hadn’t wanted to be different and not go. This economic situation—if we had listened to those who were sounding the warning we may have avoided this crash. And the list goes on.

Think about opportunity—What is it? How can I take advantage of it? What do I really risk? What could it hurt to listen, think and make informed judgment? Wow! What a thought. At 2 we jumped to “NO”. Is it possible we have grown out of this resistance? Should we? I think yes. Opportunities are knocking jump on them!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

How we got into this mess

It has come to my attention that it is important to take all legitimate information into consideration. It is important too to know when that information IS legitimate.

When I have said in the past that I will not listen to some or other information it is because I have deemed it illegitimate. That information is incorrect, based on faulty thinking, formulated to be self-serving or just plain a fabrication.

In this election I have seen from the Republican side out right lie. Not just small ones but ones that are designed to discredit in the minds of those who do not follow politics. This means most of us. They are designed to obscure, distract or even demean in order to prop up an otherwise unsound position. This unsound position is the philosophy that says that the market will correct itself is just not true. This economy was destroyed by greed. Greed was supported by denying that greed existed and that there needed to be no oversight, no regulation or rules because people are basically Good. The Republicans let the dogs out!!!

People are good/right/acceptable when they know what good/right/acceptable is!

An example: If you know you are giving people things they can not pay for it is not good/right/acceptable to give them a loan and let them deal with loosing everything . It is just not right! It is not good for business! It is not good for the country!

The subprime situation is a perfect example.
1. If it is legal we will do it. No laws means anything goes!
2. If we will not have to deal with the consequences we don’t have to worry about them.
3. If we can convince someone who doesn’t know any better to do something it is their fault for believing us rather than our fault for knowing better and not helping them to understand. (Let the buyer beware!)

The trouble with this is that when so many “Good” people think that something, that is really wrong, is ok the whole country suffers!

1. Getting older people to refinance into these subprime loans then foreclosing on them when the arm of the payment doubled
1. Putting families into homes that were too expensive for their income then foreclosing on them
3. Giving families that should be renting loans that they can’t afford in the first place then jacking up the payments so they loose the home you convinced them they could have etc…

As well as…

1. selling the loan to a lender
2. Having that lender sell that loan along with others in a bundle to a investment structure
3. Having them sell it to a retirement fund…
4. Not one of them knowing that the bad loan had been made… OH MY GOD!

Then let’s add the hundreds of sudo-educators that have held seminars in Real Estate investment, foreclosure, short selling, flipping etc... Thousands have attended these seminars, believed the sales pitch, and gone on to be some of the ones that got us into this mess!

I myself attended a conference with 5000 people in SF CA. We were taught to cheat the American Public as an ethical practice. It was amazing…35 “teachers”, (Famous people!) selling their ideas of making money through real estate investment on CD’s and in manuals. No oversight of the material, no classroom participation, no testing to see if the participants could really do it, no accountability for what their students were doing!

How many of those attendees went right out and dabbled in real estate. How many of those folks are the very ones that got innocent folks into this mess?

The philosophy of the Republican Party is WRONG. Their idea of no rules, regulations and government staying out of businesses' way is wrong. Their ideals, platform, and willingness to lie is WRONG.

Not listening to them is the least of what I should do.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Fear is a funny thing. I found myself with no fear. None at all. I did not even think of the safety things that would keep me from needing to be afraid. I even suppressed the since of pain. This was not a conscious thing, but the letting go of all the little taunts that enter my mind as I go about my day. “Be careful this or that will hurt you.” – “Don’t do this because this or that is going to happen if you do.” – “You better watch out this is DANGEROUS!”, and many others. I just did not hear them anymore. As if some how I was not aware that anything could hurt me.

I had noticed that my natural hesitation was gone, but I did not know to what extent it had evolved. Until… I set the ladder to get on a roof. I know how to set ladders. I know that the center of gravity needs to be in line with the feet of the ladder, placing it so the person on it has a solid foundation to get up on the roof. I know that ladders can slip. I know that as you shift your weight onto the roof the ladder is your anker to the ground and will support you IF it is set up properly. I know all this. But some how this day all my learning, all my caution was not there.

I set up the ladder, evaluated it, I don’t know why, incorrectly, setting it 8 feet out away from the building at a ridiculous angle of about this angle. Ridiculous! I hopped up and got to the top.
As I stepped off the ladders footing slipped on the cement pad
and through me off the roof backwards.

Roof I fell off

Retaining wall my back hit

Again as I say I still had no fear. I thought to myself as I was falling, “Well, I guess I won’t be doing this project for a while. I guess I will need to finish the quilt.”

I laid there for about 5 minutes assessing what I had done to myself. I had fallen back first against a fence and slid down to hit my ribs on the base retaining wall. I could feel that my ribs were probably broken and as I tried to move I knew that my left foot had hit the cement pad then been hit by the ladder rung and was pinned under the ladder.

I yelled for my neighbor but it was 7:30 pm and he was already inside and could not hear me. I was at the very back of the yard in a little alcove, so even if someone came in the back they would not see me. I yelled for a while but everyone was in for the evening. So I tried to move--again with no fear! The pain overwhelmed me a few times, but I managed to untangle myself from the ladder, find a long stick and assess if my foot or anything else was broken. It took half an hour from when I fell to get to the front of the house to the phone. Tiny step and wait, tiny step and wait all the way.

The thing that amazes me is that at no time was I afraid. No since that I would die, no since of anything but getting help, assessing the damage and figuring out what to do next.

I have spent a lot of time thinking about how to prevent things like this from happening. But I never realized that fear is not what really is experienced when something real happens.

Fear is the anticipation of something happening--amazingly useless.

Caution and clear thinking are much more useful.

No fear-- just good judgment.

Quilts I designed and made while I recovered.

This quilt was for the new baby of a construction company family.

This one was so his big sister would not get jealous.This quilt was in my Great Aunt Aurora's sewing from 1950's. She had mail ordered the kit. She had done the first two children and I finished the rest and hand quilted it. What a joy to see it finished. This one was for a friend who loves frogs.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Smiling Sugar Bowel

I have a Blue Willow sugar bowel, snowy white and blue
It keeps my sugar for me ‘til I want it too.

I fill it with cute little white sugar cubes,
which come neatly in a row.
Unlike crystal sugar that piles up like snow.

When the cubes fill it up the little top sits on it askew.
They jumble up in its plump little belly
waiting for the coffee to brew.

My little sugar bowel smiled up at me
with its hat tilted to one side
Its the little white cubes glistening.
Its smile opened wide.

"I’m ready for your coffee now,
with snowy cubes anew
Bring on the steamy brew and
you will see what I can do!"

Ode to the Orange I, II, III

Oh! Little Golden Orb of Sunshiny Pleasure
You bless us at Christmastime with your cheerfulness.
In springtime nestled in the leaves
Your tiny white flowers perfume the air all around
With a thick and sweet honey fragrance.
In your first days you are tiny and green,
But you grow into plump sunny joy by winter just when we need you.
Dimpled yellow-gold spheres hang like Christmas ornaments
On the tip of a shiny leafed branch.
Heavy with sun and rain and golden goodness
A good shake and you come tumbling to the ground.
The scent of your skin fills my hand
As I rescue you from the fallen leaves
My fingernail breaks the surface of your golden peel
Like sprites, your fragrant oils jump into the air
They will not be lost to my hungry mouth!
Your soft spongy white fills my nails
The silky pungent oil turns my hand shiny orange.
I save your peel or another treat.
If I am careful I do not spill even a tiny bit of the precious juice
That lies inside your perfectly sectioned belly.
(Is your belly button an iny or an outy?)
Covered with a thin white paper
Your sections open to reveal golden droplets filled with juice.
Your essence fills the air and my mouth waters in anticipated Joy!
I pull out a smiley wedge
Pop it full on to my waiting tongue.
My teeth sink into the golden droplets
The juice runs down my tongue filling
My mouth,
My nose,
My consciousness with pure joy.
Whole, sliced into wheels or smiles, fresh or cooked, candied or jellied
Oh! Little Golden Orb of Sunshiny Pleasure,
Full of color, scent, sweet taste,
Healthful Christmas pleasure on a cold rainy or snowy day
You are the best!
Merry Christmas 2006

Ode to the Orange II

Oh! Precious orange so round and bright
Keep us healthy all through the cold winter night

Your succulent little wedges make us smile
All the while making our insides free of bile

O little wonder of the winter
How do you do it?
My nose is not stuffy
My throat is not sore
My chest can breathe deeply
In the cold snowy air.

Even though you don’t grow here
You think of us all summer
Making your little green orbs
That turn orange to brighten
Our Tum Tum Tummers
May all the winters be brightened with your presence
While we gleefully unwrap all our presents.

Christmas 2007
Ode to an Orange III

Oh little orb of happiness
You sweetness we do cherish
We roll you like a piece of dough
And squish you until at last
We prick your wrinkly rind
With peppermint so strait and fine
And suck sublime fruity minty sweet juice
Until you look like your skin is loose.

Our tummies full we turn a new
To find a few clove blossoms
all dry and brown
That fill you skin with a heavenly smell
As we push them into your little shell.
We tie a bow and hang you low and
As you dry your fragrance fills our closets.
We can ignore smell of the world out side
Because your beauty fills our world
With joy and pride.

How can we thank you for such bliss?
We will plant you with a kiss
Of heaven, earth, and stars above
To show you how much we love
The joy you bring at Christmas time

Fair and unbiased

The American media have prided themselves on their objectivity and fairness. Recently, I have become aware that this pride has left them open to being manipulated by those who would lie to get their way. Because of the media’s need to feel they have been fair to everyone they allow anyone to speak without going through the material for lies. This may seem like censorship but in fact it is responsible reporting. Allowing someone to publicly speak untruths is the same as promoting the lie. Letting raving, lies, misdirection and flat out deception air is unconscionable.

Fair and unbiased should give the media the responsibility to search out facts and present them without attachment. FACTS? Yes, real facts they do exist and should be what is in the news. This is our right to a free press. Allowing someone to guilt the media into airing or printing something that is outright a lie is breaking the contract with the people. The media is the watchdog of our rights. Why are they not functioning that way?

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Just like us.
We remember the beauty
We are thankful for it.
As we should be for each other
Remember that you are also like
the bubble
Make the most of the time
You have with each other.
Thank goodness for the Beauty
Of each moment.

Is guilt really guilt?

Is Guilt Really Guilt?

I feel uncomfortable when I realize I have made a mistake.
I feel bad when I haven’t done something that I feel I should have.
I have difficulties doing other things until I apologize for a wrong done to someone else.
I feel dirty if my house is not vacuumed and dusted.
When I am too tired to do the dishes or to busy to water the garden I am not happy with myself.
I feel shame when I eat two packs of cookies in 4 days just because they were there.
Is this really the big G --Guilt?
Don't sweat the little things. These are not guilt, but your own need for order and consistant behavior with your values.
Guilt is not these uncomfortable feelings. Guilt is much more than that. It is the recognition that you are not as nice as you thought you were. Guilt is the full recognition that you have done something to someone or something that has damaged them forever. Guilt is the realization that you will willfully do things that you know are wrong.
Forgiveness comes when you fully recognize this and try your hardest not to do the things that harmed others by your actions or inactions. This try and the attempt to make the wrong right is the path to forgiving yourself and when you can do this you don’t need to be afraid to continue your life. If you don’t come to this forgivness there will always be a weight on Your Being that will stop you from doing.

Make things right in your life, recognize what part you had in it, change what you can, ask for forgiveness when you can’t change it, and forgive yourself for being weak enough to have done it.Your life will be better for it and so will the lives of all around you.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Morning Glories

Morning Glories

I was in my vegetable garden and I pulled up 375 Morning Glory seedlings. It made me think of the 6 or so other times I have weeded that bed and had the same results. I just plug along and pull them up, one by one, and soon the dormant little siblings of theses little two leafed heart-shaped green bits of fetal blue and purple flowers are popping up everywhere.

Well, it all started when my neighbor planted Morning Glory to cover the front of a large yellow 2-car garage. Boy! Did it look beautiful! The flowers came in large blue buds that twisted out to unfold a large blue flower that turned first purple then pink as it matured. Spectacular!

Several years later it was a full cover for above the garage doors, but long tendrils crept into my rose hedge and up over my plum tree as well as covering the fence between our yards and creeping into every little crack in the wall of the shed.

One day the neighbor behind me said “You probably need to do something about that Morning Glory. It is blooming INSIDE your shed! I turned and looked and sure enough the flowers were right there in the window.

So when my neighbor moved he pulled down his Morning Glory and left the garage bright and clean. We needed to have a gardener come and clean it off the fence and behind both garage and shed and then poisoned it so it would not come back. But still it popped up in the rose hedge. It had put down roots deep in the thicket where we could not reach. That was not too much of a problem because when the long tendrils snook out of their hiding place they quickly get snipped and that was that.

But the birds had some ideas about this plant too. My back fence, all the way across the yard, grew 3 pretty little Morning Glory seedlings last year. I let them grow because the blossoms are so beautiful and the plant covered the chain link fence so nicely, but I did not take them down in the fall nor did I clean up the seeds that dropped. Boy, was that a mistake!

Now I have a constant job of cleaning out these little cloven-hoofed shaped leaves that pop up all over my vegetable garden.

I think they are timed released. In April I pulled 175, In May I pulled 200 twice. (I am counting them just not to be so bored). Then in June there were 350, now in July, I got 375 all from the same place--all just seedlings. Those three Morning Glory plants I let go last year were very happy in my yard!

Well, I was just thinking. Discordant behaviors in your life are like the Morning Glory plant. Some are even beautiful because of the excitement or even pleasure they bring, but they have such a high cost. If indulged in they plant seeds of disharmony that are much more destructive than the discordant behaviors itself.

So weed your garden of behaviors every day or they may cover over your life with the blossoms of disharmony. You may have a Morning Glory patch too big for you to handle and all other thing you do in your life may be covered over!

Waiting for Water

Waiting for Water

Water is the universal solvent. It dissolves almost everything given its own time. I was washing dishes today and picked up a spatula that someone had used a scrubbing pad on. It had a little mark where the food had been and even tiny scratches all around the food mark where someone had scrubbed to get the food off. I do not know when this was done, but I could clearly see the mark that the stuck-on food had left. It could have been days, weeks even years ago, but I saw it today.

I wonder if that person who so desperately wanted the food off that spatula knows that I know it was scrubbed. I wonder if he/she knows that their efforts can be seen so far into the future.

How many times have we done something in a rash moment of impatience that made its mark deep into the future?

Waiting for the water to soften the food so it could be wiped off easily with a soft cloth would have been the way to not let the stubborn food leave its mark on the spatula. Similarly if time is given its way all things that seem impossible are softened to be easily dealt with. But are we patent enough to wait for this? This person was not and the mark will be there for the life of the spatula.

I wonder if our impatience is like that.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tomatoes on the vine

15 pounds of tomatoes off one plant

Dried all into to these two little jars

Arn't they cute

If you don't know what I think you will now.
Why I don’t listen to both sides anymore.

As a child I was taught to listen to both sides of an issue in order to get perspective. I have diligently done this all my life. The news media is forever getting two opposing sides to talk about issues. It has been a rule that there are always at least two sides to every situation. Honesty was always implied, both sides merely having legitimate differences of opinion or differing facts.

BUT…I have become aware that devious desperate people will propose fictitious arguments (LIE) to confuse and sway people to their side.

The tobacco company to keep their product on the market, the polluters to keep from paying for the damage to their neighbors and the environment, bosses to keep from paying the women in their employ an equal wage, the president to get us into a war, and the list goes on . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This week is the Republican convention. I have always watched both sides. I have been an independent voter, but as I watched the opening event, the choice for vice president, I heard my first bold face lie. That was enough for me.

The Democrats will raise taxes on Exxon’s windfall profits not on the middle class, and 6 years in a state legislature, 2 years in the Senate is more experience than years of running a small town or being governor of a large state full of caribou! The choice of a 42 year old woman who has domestic credibility and limited public service plus the old lie that the Democrats will raise taxes was the last straw.

When they said and I quote “America loves an underdog” I knew they were not seriously going to put out any facts but just play on sympathy. DON’T BELIEVE IT! Choose the party that gave us a surplus not the one who killed our children, and took our jobs and SPENT that surplus plus gave us the largest deficit ever. When will we wake up?

I will not be listening to the other side this time. Global warming is more important than protecting Exxon from playing us back the money they bleed from our economy. Having 2 people who have devoted their whole lives to public service and the presence of mind to have advisors that are smart not just on their side is enough!

The Republican Party is devious desperate people who are proposing fictitious arguments (LIE) to confuse and sway people to their side.

I don’t believe advertizing or the Republican Party or any of its representatives any longer so I will not listen even to counter their arguments. I won’t even be listening!